What are the basics of Oracle users management?
- Users
- username
- identified by
- default tablespace
- temporary tablespace
- password expire option
- profile
- account
- Priviliges
- system privileges
- object privileges
- Roles
- Quotas
- Profiles
---------------------------------------------------------- -- USERS ---------------------------------------------------------- -- View all users / schemas SELECT username FROM dba_users; -- Create a new user CREATE USER kipi IDENTIFIED BY sumsum ; -- * EXTERNALLY Clause - External user will not require any login password as local user does. -- Such a user will be authenticated by operating System. -- Means: If you can log in to operating system, you can use oracle too. show parameter os_authent_prefix select UPPER(sys_context('userenv','os_user')) from dual; CREATE USER "OPS$BASDBINS\ADMINISTRATOR" IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO "OPS$BASDBINS\ADMINISTRATOR"; conn / -- * GLOBALLY Clause - GLobal user will also not require any login password as local user does. -- Such a user will be authenticated by a directory service. -- like OID (Oracle Internet Directory). -- * GLOBALLY AS extname, where the username and password will be passed to -- the extname service for logon validation -- * DEFAULT TABLESPACE ----------------------- -- * Specify the default tablespace for objects that the user creates. -- If you omit this clause, then the user's objects are stored in the database default tablespace. If no default tablespace has been specified for the database, then the user's objects are -- stored in the SYSTEM tablespace -- * DEFAULT TABLESPACE option does not grant any quota to the user. -- * QUOTA [size] ON [tablespace] --------------------------------- -- specify the maximum amount of space the user can allocate in the tablespace -- UNLIMITED lets the user allocate space in the tablespace without bound. -- * TEMPORARY TABLESPACE ------------------------- -- Specify the tablespace or tablespace group for the user's temporary segments. -- If you omit this clause, then the user's temporary segments are stored in the database default temporary tablespace or, if none has been specified, in the SYSTEM tablespace. -- * PASSWORD EXPIRE -------------------- -- Specify PASSWORD EXPIRE if you want the user's password to expire. -- This setting forces the user or the DBA to change the password before the user -- can log in to the database -- * PROFILE [profile name] --------------------------- -- Specify the profile you want to assign to the user. -- The profile limits the amount of database resources the user can use. -- If you omit this clause, then Oracle Database assigns the DEFAULT profile to the user. -- * ACCOUNT Clause ------------------- -- Specify ACCOUNT LOCK to lock the user's account and disable access. -- Specify ACCOUNT UNLOCK to unlock the user's account and enable access to the account.
CREATE USER debra; CREATE USER debra IDENTIFIED BY pass; DROP USER debra; CREATE USER debra IDENTIFIED BY debra DEFAULT TABLESPACE users TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp QUOTA 10m ON users QUOTA UNLIMITED ON example PROFILE DEFAULT ACCOUNT LOCK PASSWORD EXPIRE; SELECT username, DEFAULT_TABLESPACE, profile FROM dba_users ORDER BY username; -- Quotas SELECT * FROM dba_ts_quotas WHERE USERNAME = 'debra'; -- * UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege - which is a result of assigning the RESOURCE role. -- In that case user will not appear in dba_ts_quotas. -- Via OEM: -- Server => (Security) => Users
------------------------------------------------------- -- Passwords ------------------------------------------------------- -- Password column is null SELECT username, password FROM dba_users WHERE username = 'HR'; SELECT NAME, PASSWORD FROM SYS.USER$ WHERE name = 'HR'; ALTER USER hr IDENTIFIED BY my_pass conn hr/my_pass -- Change whatever i want... conn / as sysdba ALTER USER hr IDENTIFIED BY VALUES ' ' -- Hashing vs Encription ------------------------ -- * There is a huge difference between encryption and hashing. -- * Encrypton is a reversible proces, while hashing is not. -- * With encryption, you can allways get the original value from the encrypted value, -- provided that you have propper encryption key and an alghorytm. -- * But with hashing process it is different. You can (generally speaking) never get -- the original value from the hashed value, even if you know the hashing algorythm. -- It is mathematicaly one-way process.
------------------------------------------------------- -- PRIVILEGES ------------------------------------------------------- -- * System privileges -- Allow a user to perform certain database actions, such as create a table, -- or create an index, or even connect to the instance -- * Object privileges -- allow a user to manipulate objects, as by reading data through a view, -- executing a stored procedure, or changing data in a table -- Connect first attempt Conn debra/debra conn / as sysdba GRANT CREATE SESSION TO debra; -- Connect second attempt : Conn debra/debra SELECT * FROM session_privs; -- Try to create a table: create table test(y number); conn / as sysdba grant create table to debra; conn debra/debra SELECT * FROM session_privs; create table test(y number); -- GRANT ANY ------------ -- Try to create a table on another schema: [debra] create table sh.newtab(y number); conn / as sysdba grant create any table to debra; conn debra/debra create table sh.newtab(y number); create table sys.newtab(y number); conn / as sysdba show parameter O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY
------------------------------------------------ -- WITH ADMIN OPTION - (System - No cascade) ------------------------------------------------ -- GRANT system privilege [ANY] TO username [WITH ADMIN OPTION] -- REVOKE system privilege [ANY] FROM username conn / as sysdba grant create any table to debra with admin option ; conn debra/debra grant create any table to hr ; grant create any table to hr with admin option ; -- is it possible to grant user hr CREATE TABLE privilege ? grant create table to hr ; conn hr/hr create table sh.test2(y number) ; conn / as sysdba revoke create any table from debra; conn debra/debra create table sh.test3(y number) ; conn hr/hr create table sh.test3(y number) ; -- we can monitor different privileges using dba_sys_privs -- we cannot monitor the hierarchy SELECT * FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE grantee in ('debra','HR','SH') ORDER BY grantee ;
------------------------------------------------------- -- OBJECT PRIVILEGES (CASCADE) ------------------------------------------------------- -- GRANT | REVOKE object privilege ON object TO username [WITH GRANT OPTION] conn debra/debra update hr.employees set salary=200; conn hr/hr GRANT UPDATE ON employees TO debra WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT UPDATE (salary) ON employees TO debra WITH GRANT OPTION; conn debra/debra update hr.employees set salary=200; roll GRANT UPDATE ON hr.employees to SH; -- or GRANT UPDATE ON hr.employees to SH WITH GRANT OPTION ; Grant succeeded. conn sh/sh update hr.employees set salary=400; roll conn / as sysdba col owner for a10 col table_name for a15 col grantor for a15 col privilege for a15 SELECT GRANTOR, GRANTEE, TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE,GRANTABLE FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE table_name='EMPLOYEES' AND GRANTEE <> 'OE' conn hr/hr (or conn / as sysdba) REVOKE UPDATE ON hr.employees FROM debra; SELECT GRANTOR, GRANTEE, TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE,GRANTABLE FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE table_name='EMPLOYEES' AND GRANTEE <> 'OE' -- Granting all object privileges to a user using a quick script conn hr/hr SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON ' || table_name || ' TO ' || '&username' FROM user_tables
------------------------------------------------------- -- ROLES ------------------------------------------------------- -- recreate debra drop user debra ; create user debra identified by debra; grant create session to debra ; grant CREATE VIEW to debra ; grant UPDATE on HR.EMPLOYEES to debra ; -- create role basic; drop role basic ; create role basic; grant CREATE TABLE to basic; grant RESOURCE to basic ; grant DROP ANY TABLE to basic ; grant UPDATE on HR.DEPARTMENTS to basic ; -- Grant role to debra GRANT basic TO debra; conn debra/debra select * from session_privs ; conn / as sysdba
Helpful Views ------------------------------- -- list of object privs for every user SELECT GRANTEE, TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE GRANTEE = 'debra'; -- list of system privs for every user SELECT * FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE grantee = 'debra'; -- list of roles for every user SELECT GRANTEE, GRANTED_ROLE FROM dba_role_privs WHERE GRANTEE = 'debra' -- list of roles for every role SELECT ROLE, GRANTED_ROLE FROM ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE ROLE = 'BASIC'; -- list of sys privs for every role SELECT * FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE grantee = 'RESOURCE'; -- list of object privs for every role SELECT GRANTEE, TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE GRANTEE = 'BASIC' -- or we could just use OEM or external scripts such as -- user_privs.sql -- source : http://www.petefinnigan.com/tools.htm
-- DEFAULT / NON-DEFAULT ROLES ------------------------------ ALTER USER debra DEFAULT ROLE ALL; ALTER USER debra DEFAULT ROLE NONE; ALTER USER debra DEFAULT ROLE ALL EXCEPT basic; conn debra/debra SELECT username, granted_role, default_role FROM user_role_privs ; select * from session_privs ; SET ROLE basic; select * from session_privs ; -- PASSWORD PROTECTED ROLES: ---------------------------- conn / as sysdba ALTER ROLE basic IDENTIFIED BY mypass; conn debra/debra select * from session_privs ; SET ROLE basic IDENTIFIED BY mypass; select * from session_privs ; ALTER ROLE basic NOT IDENTIFIED ;
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROFILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Via OEM: -- Server => Security => Profiles PROFILES -------- -- * A profile is an Oracle object that allows you to set both password management and -- resource limits. -- * In every Oracle database a single profile is created when you create the -- database. This profile, called DEFAULT, places no limits on password and account -- lockout, or on resource utilization. -- * You can change the settings of the DEFAULT profile to conform to your requirements, -- and they will then be applied to all users in thedatabase assigned the DEFAULT profile. -- A database administrator may create additional profiles dealing with password or -- account lockout issues, resource management settings, or both. -- * Once created, a profile can be assigned to a user account as it is created, or it can be -- assigned to the user with the ALTER USER command. -- * Any settings in the profile will then apply to the user the next time he/she connects to the -- database. -- * A user may have only one profile active at one time, so you need to ensure that the -- settings within the profile match the requirements of each user. -- * PERFORMANCE ---------------- -- * CPU_PER_SESSION - -- The total CPU time, measured in hundredths of a second, that a user -- is allowed to consume during a session. -- Once the limit is reached, the user’s session is terminated with -- an Oracle server error message. -- To reset this limit, the user needs to disconnect from the instance -- and connect again. -- * CPU_PER_CALL - -- The total CPU time, measured in hundredths of a second, that a user -- is allowed to consume for a single SQL statement. -- Once the limit is reached, the SQL statement is aborted and the transaction it is -- a part of is rolled back. -- The user’s session remains connected. -- The limit is reset on every call to the database. -- * CONNECT_TIME - -- The maximum amount of time, specified in minutes, that a user may remain -- connected to the instance. -- * IDLE_TIME - -- The maximum amount of time, specified in minutes, -- that a user’ssession may remain connected to the instance while not performing -- any database activity. -- * SESSIONS_PER_USER - -- The maximum number of concurrent sessions that a user may have at one time. -- * LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION - -- The number of blocks (both physical—from disk—and logical— -- from the database buffer cache) that the user is allowed to read -- during their session. -- Once the number of blocks specified by this parameter are read, the user will need to -- start another session in order to access data in the database. -- * LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL - -- The number of blocks (both physical—from disk—and logical—from -- the database buffer cache) that the user is allowed to read when -- executing a SQL statement. -- Once the number of blocks specified by this parameter are read, -- the SQL statement will be terminated and any transaction that it is a part -- of will be rolled back. -- * PRIVATE_SGA - -- In a Multi-Threaded Server (MTS) environment, this parameter -- specifies the maximum number of bytes that a user’s session can -- occupy in the SGA. -- If you are not connected to the database instance with an MTS connection, -- this parameter is ignored.
-- Change the costs ------------------- -- * Example ALTER RESOURCE COST CPU_PER_SESSION 100 CONNECT_TIME 1; -- * The weights establish this cost formula for a session: -- cost = (100 * CPU_PER_SESSION) + (1 * CONNECT_TIME) -- * If you do not assign a weight to a resource, then the weight defaults to 0, and use of the -- resource subsequently does not contribute to the cost. -- The weights you assign apply to all subsequent sessions in the database. -- The composite limit ----------------------- -- Specifies a numerical value that is the weighed average of four resource limits: -- 1.CPU_PER_SESSION -- 2.CONNECT_TIME -- 3.LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION -- 4.PRIVATE_SGA -- Setting COMPOSITE_LIMIT will allow Oracle to monitor all four -- of these parameter values; when the combination of all exceeds the -- value specified by COMPOSITE_LIMIT, the user’s session will be -- terminated. -- * Example : ALTER RESOURCE COST CPU_PER_SESSION 10 LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION 2 PRIVATE_SGA 6 CONNECT_TIME 1; -- * When the session hits the composite limit, the session is terminated. ALTER PROFILE app_developr COMPOSITE_LIMIT 500;
-- * PASSWORD ------------- -- * PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME -- The number of days that will pass before the user is prompted to change his password. -- * PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME -- The number of days following a successful login after the expiration of PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME. -- The grace time starts after the login, even if the password has already expired. -- * PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX -- Specify the number of password changes required before the current password can be reused. -- If you set PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX to an integer value, then you must set -- PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME to UNLIMITED. -- * PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME -- The time in days that must elapse before apassword can be reused. -- If you set PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME to an integer value, then you must set -- PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX to UNLIMITED. -- * These two parameters must be set in conjunction with each other. -- * For these parameter to have any effect, you must specify an integer for both of them. -- Possible via sql*plus only. ALTER PROFILE "DEFAULT" LIMIT PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX 4 PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME 1/1440 -- * PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION -- A PL/SQL function that will perform complexity checks (or any other checks -- that may be needed) whenever a password is changed. -- * FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS -- After this number of consecutive connect requests with an incorrect password, -- the account will be locked. -- This will prevent hackers from trying numerous common passwords in an attempt -- to guess the correct one. -- The counter is reset after a successful connection. -- * PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME -- The number of days for which the account will be locked if the FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS -- limit is reached. If days are unsuitable as units, use appropriate arithmetic. -- For instance, one day has one thousand four hundred and forty minutes, -- so setting the PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME to (30/1440) is equivalent to thirty minutes -- enough to foil a hacker who is throwing a dictionary at your database, without inconveniencing -- forgetful users too much.
-- Current profiles - by default - all is unlimited: col limit for a15 set lines 200 SELECT * FROM dba_profiles ORDER BY profile, RESOURCE_TYPE; -- Users profiles SELECT username , profile FROM dba_users ; -- Create a new profile: CREATE PROFILE dev_prof LIMIT SESSIONS_PER_USER 2 FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 5; -- All the rest - depend on the Default values (Unlimited): SELECT * FROM dba_profiles WHERE profile= 'DEV_PROF' ORDER BY profile, RESOURCE_TYPE; ALTER USER hr PROFILE DEFAULT; ALTER PROFILE "DEFAULT" LIMIT FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 3 ; conn hr/hr conn hr/badpass conn hr/badpass conn hr/badpass conn / as sysdba ALTER USER hr ACCOUNT UNLOCK; ALTER USER hr ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY hr; ALTER USER sh ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY sh PASSWORD EXPIRE; -- Complexity Function: get ?\rdbms\admin\utlpwdmg.sql ALTER PROFILE dev_prof LIMIT PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION my_func ALTER USER hr PROFILE dev_prof; -- Enabling resource limits show parameter resource_limit -- ALTER SYSTEM SET RESOURCE_LIMIT=TRUE; -- Change a default profile for all users SELECT 'ALTER USER '||username||' PROFILE dev_prof;' FROM dba_users -- for more complex management -- Via OEM => Server => Resource Manager
------------------------------------------------------- -- PROXY USERS ------------------------------------------------------- http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::p11_question_id:21575905259251 -- Enable HR to connect to debra without a password: ALTER USER debra GRANT CONNECT THROUGH hr; conn hr[debra]/hr show user -- Can access HR? SELECT * FROM hr.departments; -- Try to connect to HR from debra: conn debra[hr]/debraIf you find this solution useful, you are welcome to press one of the ads in this page.. Thanks!
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